Leadership Training

Self-Preservation Strategies

By |2017-01-25T23:41:01-05:00November 29th, 2016|Categories: Leadership Training|

When resources are stretched to the limit, it is vital that every member of an organization remain emotionally and physically healthy. Being in the health care industry, dealing with life and death issues, time pressures, grief and other emotionally charged issues can make individuals in this setting especially prone to "burn-out". A valuable leader is one [...]

Creative Problem-Solving: Thinking Outside the Box

By |2018-02-07T10:46:18-05:00November 29th, 2016|Categories: Leadership Training|

Leaders in growing organizations are asked to find new ways of solving both long-standing and emerging challenges. In many cases, this involves being able to do more with fewer resources. This program focuses on enhancing the ability to think more creatively and to become increasingly flexible in thinking. The ability to view things from different vantage [...]

Responding to Fear of Change

By |2017-01-25T23:40:31-05:00November 29th, 2016|Categories: Leadership Training|

In the midst of dramatic change, a great deal of anxiety about the future is stirred up, particularly when people fear the loss of a particular role/job and/or income. Leaders are faced with the challenge of helping people to be less reactive to their fears and more able to see the opportunities that exist in the [...]

Looking for Stability

By |2017-01-25T23:35:33-05:00November 29th, 2016|Categories: Leadership Training|

The rapid changes occurring in today's organization are simply a reflection of the rapid change taking place in every phase of modern life. Old assumptions and expectations of reaching a state of "stability" are no longer meaningful. Thus, new paradigms are required in order to make meaning of and help everyone cope with the new realities [...]

Setting Boundaries

By |2017-01-25T23:42:01-05:00November 29th, 2016|Categories: Leadership Training|

In every relationship, maintaining our own well-being and sense of control requires being able to set and uphold boundaries. Being an effective leader in the workplace involves the ability to set limits with staff as well as other leaders. This program offers some very specific strategies for identifying, expressing and protecting boundaries appropriately. Dr. Kay Potetz [...]

Balancing Support With Empowerment (a.k.a. Delegation)

By |2017-01-25T23:22:56-05:00November 29th, 2016|Categories: Leadership Training|

Being a leader requires both supporting and empowering. Helping the staff to complete the task at hand and encouraging them to take initiative and act independently are essential. This program is geared to enhancing skills while giving support and supporting independence. Also, included is the art of knowing how to balance support and empowerment effectively. Dr. [...]

Team Building and Motivating

By |2017-01-25T23:43:29-05:00November 29th, 2016|Categories: Leadership Training|

In this environment of rapid growth, everyone is called upon to produce more than ever before. Leaders are asked to help staff members feel connected to the larger goals and accomplishments of the organization. The over-all goal is for staff to see that their efforts matter in achieving a larger purpose. Further, effective leadership involves building [...]

People Styles (Dealing With Challenging Personalities)

By |2017-01-25T23:36:29-05:00November 29th, 2016|Categories: Leadership Training|

Having a pragmatic understanding of ourselves and others provides a mechanism for improving relationships. "Reading" other people's behavior provides the ability to relate more effectively. It is imperative that leaders be equipped with communication as well as interpersonal skills. The ability to give direction, define expectations, train staff and lead are demanded and that is the [...]

Effective Response to Conflict

By |2017-01-25T23:29:38-05:00November 29th, 2016|Categories: Leadership Training|

Conflict Resolution Leadership inevitably requires being able to resolve conflict, whether it occurs among staff members, between leaders and staff or between departments. Being able to keep a cool head, do a thorough assessment of a conflicted situation and create effective dialogue among the parties involved are just a few of the skills that will be [...]

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